Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments
Customize and personalize learning activities to address students’ diverse
learning styles, working strategies, and abilities using digital tools and
Model digital age work and learning
Collaborate with students, peers, parents, and community members using digital
tools and resources to support student success and innovation
KSDE Standard 5. Relationships between people, place, idea, and environments are dynamic.
KSDE Standard 5. Relationships between people, place, idea, and environments are dynamic.
I have chosen to concentrate my
standards entry on my lesson over World War I.
Specifically the role the United States played during the war. I wanted to get my students involved with how
the United States got involved in the war and the reasons they stayed out of
the fray for as long as they did. I had
the students look into some of the events, which led to the U.S. entry into the
war. I placed them in the role of an
average everyday citizen living in America during WWI. They were required to look into the information
about the war and make a decision on whether or not they believed the United
States should be involved in the war and to what level they thought we should
be involved. I will have the students
create a blog, which would serve as a daily journal for entries about new
information they have found. The goal is
to have them process the new information as it is given to them to form and
their own opinion.
The lesson would begin by having the
students create a blog of their own using a site such as blogger. Each day I would post a new video outlining a
new piece of information about events of WWI.
One dy I would discuss the Zimmerman Note, and another day we would look
at the sinking of the Lusitania. The expectation
is for students to view the videos prior to entering class the next day. The blog entries will be written during class
time at the beginning of the hour each day. Students will be placed into small
groups to share the ideas they have gained from the information presented to
them in the at home lesson. Within their
groups, they will go over the new information and discuss the possible
implications on the United States role in WWI.
After the discussion is over in the small groups, the class will
reconvene to have a general discussion about the impact of the new
information. I will lead this discussion,
making sure the class has taken a look at all the angles I was expecting them
to see. Following the class talk,
students will write a short blog entry in discussing their feelings about the United
States entering the war while acknowledging if any of the new information has
swayed them one way or the other.
Students will be graded and assessed on the depth of knowledge shown
both in the discussions and the blog entries.

While I was developing the lesson, I
thought it would be a great way to introduce a flipped classroom concept to the
class. The setup of the lesson works
perfectly for the flipped style learning.
Using technology students will have to bring in other people to help
them accomplish their goals. This will
drive a conversation, which gears toward the use of technology in the classroom
with their friends, fellow students and even their parents. I also felt like the flipped classroom would
be a good way to let all students learn at a pace, which is appropriate for
them. Giving the students the ability to
tailor the lesson to their own needs frees them up to engage more freely in the
classroom. I was also happy with the
concept of not only using video lessons to introduce new topics for the
students, but using the daily blog entries ensures the students are getting a
mix of different technology learning styles.
The lesson is also an opportunity for me as the educator to have daily
interaction with students on a one on one basis. With the small group discussion
students are expected to be able to explain their thoughts and opinions with
members of their peer group. Making use
of the flipped lesson allows for all of these things to happen, which is why I
chose this specific lesson to use it on.
As I look at some of the potential
downfalls or drawbacks to the lesson as presented, I was drawn to the idea of
not all students having access to the videos outside of the classroom. I have always worried about introducing more technology
would open up kids who may not have consistent access to the technology at
home, to being left a bit behind. I do
have a plan, which should combat this issue relatively well, and I intend to
give students who may not have access outside of school some extra time at the beginning
of class to view the videos in class.
Students would be required to let me know prior to the start of the
lesson if they feel as if they may need to watch the videos in class. If the lesson is a success, in the future I
would like to add some more challenging aspects to the lesson. One of the ideas would be to assign roles to
students and not make them just everyday citizens. Student would assume the role of a soldier,
or nurse. There are several different
roles which would make the lesson a little more divers for each student.
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